Can bacteria survive in space?

Can bacteria survive in space? Earth microbes could be contaminating different planets. Notwithstanding extraordinary purification endeavors, microorganisms from Earth still figures out how to discover its way into space on board shuttle. Scientists are working to better understand how and why a few spores elude decontamination. The research was based on spore-forming microscopic organisms, which can survive harsh environments on earth. These microscopic organisms could hitch a ride on shuttles and contaminate other planets, making the chase for alien life forms difficult. Microscopic organisms taken from the scrumptiously named fishing village of Beer on Britain's south coast have demonstrated themselves some of the hardiest creatures on Earth - or in space so far as that is concerned. Microorganisms found in rocks taken from the cliffs at Beer have survived an exhausting 18 months introduction to space conditions on the outside of the ISS and return...